

Hourglass Of Life

This was one of my first times painting with gouache paint and I fell in love it. Gouache is similar to watercolour but is thicker or thinner depending on how much water you add to it. What comes out of it is a great variety of styles and colours without sacrificing the detail. Some parts of the painting actually came to me in a bad dream. Specifically, the roots of the tree that covers a massive unending hole. I dreamed I was climbing around the roots, trying not to fall into the hole. I was trapped. Above me a massive, beautiful outstretched tree, and surrounding me a glass globe. When I woke up, I felt inspired to paint the beautiful tree. However, as I painted, I found I drew the scary hole quite small. And as such I finished the painting adding an escape ladder for my dream self.


Firework Flash

Using acrylic paint, I tried to envision the start of fireworks in motion. During this time, I didn’t know how to layer my paint or how to blend. But I think the whites around the colours actually adds to the painting.


Fire Truck

During my time in Japan, I went to a public school where they have a day in the year to teach kids about the fire emergency services and what to do in an emergency situation. As a kid I remember them coming into school to give some demonstrations, while looking cool in their uniforms, and then everyone took some time to draw them (standing around looking cool). For this painting I received an art awards from the Tokyo Fire Department. This award also gave me the opportunity to go to the emergency service fair, and to have my painting displayed on the wall of National Art Centre of Tokyo.